本文以外交理论并结合历史分析比较方法 ,将现代瑞典外交分成三个阶段 ,并循序分析、说明了其不结盟中立外交传统的演变过程。第一部分考察了瑞典中立外交传统的形成及其特征 ;第二部分展现冷战时期瑞典固守不结盟立场 ,推行中立主义及国际主义的外交实践 ;第三、第四及结论部分 ,集中分析了在两极体系解体、国内福利制度模式受到挑战、欧盟统一大市场日益强化的情况下 ,瑞典对外政策开始背离其传统的中立不结盟外交取向 ,而转向后中立主义的动因、过程及其发展趋势。
By comparative analysis,the author classify the diplomacy of Sweden into three periods to examine the transformation of Swedish non-alignment and Neutrality tradition?In the first part of the paper,he examines the development and characteristic of the tradition;and in the second part,Swedish non-alignment,neutrality and internationalism during the Cold War. The third and the fourth parts focus on the deviation of Swedish traditional neutrality under the background of the demise of the bipolar system, the challenge of national welfare system Sweden is facing and the strengthening of European single market. Besides the reasons, process and development tendency of the transformation of Swedish foreign policy from neutralism to post-neutralism are examined.
Chinese Journal of European Studies