本文以问卷调查的形式,通过描述性统计和量性分析,对大学非英语专业新生英语学习课内外学习方式作了调查和探讨,发现了一些有益的数据:(1)学生课内学习方式比较被动,仍以传统为主;(2)课外有较好的英语阅读 习惯,学习途径多样化;(3)学生有强烈的英语口语交际愿望。文章在调查分析的基础上,对大学英语教学提出了一些改进建议。
This paper makes a survey of the English learning situations of the freshmen by means of the descriptive statistics and qualitative analysis of a study of 118 students who are selected at random from 11 classes of non-English majors of Nanjing University of Science and Technology. The major findings are as follows: (1) The freshmen learn English passively in the classroom. (2) They have developed a good habit of reading English materials in a variety of ways. (3) They desire to communicate in oral English after class. After analyzing the beneficial results, the paper proposes several suggestions for improving college English instruction.
Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology:Social Sciences