植根于中国古代传统文化丰富而独特土壤之中的中国古代美学是一种具有独特品格和思想体系的人生美学。追求人生的诗性生存及生活的审美化、艺术化是中国古代美学的突出特征 ,传统士大夫们通过艺术去思考人生的诗化、去实践人生的诗化。艺术使有限的生命寻得永恒的精神家园 ,艺术是士人们于有限之中把握无限。
Chinese ancient aesthetics,rooted in the special soil of the ancient traditional culture,is a life aesthetics with its own characteristics and ideology.Pursuing the poetic and aesthetic living of life is the prominent characterics of Chinese ancient aesthetics.Traditional scholar-officials thought about and practised the poetic life through art.Art enables people to find their spiritcal homeland in limited life,and art is an important means to grasp limitlessness beyond limit and pursue the immortality through short life.
Journal of Hubei Minzu University:Philosophy and Social Sciences