努力地实践“三个代表”重要思想 ,是中国共产党人给自己定下的目标和任务 ,它具有丰富的内涵 ,它不是过去时的 ,而是现在时、特别是未来时的 ,要落实好“三个代表”思想 ,就要以马克思主义学风为指导 ,就要在具体性上下功夫 ,在理论联系实际上下功夫。
It is the goal and task that the Chinese Communists set for themselves to strive to practice importent the thought of 'Three Represents'.It has got its rich intension and it is for the present and especially for the future as well as for the past.In order to implement the thought of 'Three Represents',we should take Marxist academic discipline as the guidance,pay special attention to concretness and work hard at combining theory with practice.
Journal of Qiqihar University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)