谢冰莹和郁达夫虽同为中国现代著名作家 ,但由于个人经历、个性气质等的不同 ,写作风格亦迥然不同 ,其仅从两人同题散文《雨》便可略见一斑。谢的《雨》 ,主要是借“雨”写恨 ,以其精炼的文字和尖锐的笔锋 ,直陈 30年代官腐民愚的社会现实 ,义愤之情溢于言表。相比之下 ,郁在其同题散文《雨》中 ,字里行间虽也倾泻了对当时黑暗社会的不满 ,写的却更为蕴藉深沉。二者各有千秋。
Both as famous writers of modern China,XieBingYing's and YuDaFu's writing styles are distinctly different according to their own experiences and characters.The close reading of the same titled proses The Rain will highlight the wto writers' different styles. The same titled proses are both filled with the writers' disgust to the dark social realities of 1930;s.Xie's style is sharp and vehement,and Yu's style is calm and suggestive,they have their own advantages.
Journal of Qiqihar University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)