人道主义是周作人文学思想的理论基础和反抗封建专制的有力武器。周作人以中西文化冲突为历史背景 ,站在时代的高度 ,从文学与人的关系入手 ,提出对于中国文学具有原创性的人的文学的思想 ,并以此为基础建构起他的人道主义文学思想体系 ,这就为中国文学的现代化打下了第一块坚实的理论基石。
Humanitarianism is both the rationale of Zhou Zuo-ren's literary thought and a powerful weapon against the feudal autocracy. Standing on a high level of the time and making the Chinese and western cultural conflicts as the historical background, Mr. Zhou put forward his literary theory of human being from the relationship between literature and human being , which was regarded as an initiative theory to the Chinese literature. And using it as the rationale, he formed his own humanistic theory system, thus founded the first solid theory foundation for the modernization of the Chinese literature.
Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences Edition