本文运用 5次大规模调查所得的资料 ,以同龄非独生子女作为参照对象 ,将青少年问卷与家长问卷相互对比 ,从性格特征、生活技能、社会交往、社会规范、生活目标、成人角色、自我认识等方面 ,描述和分析了中国城市第一代独生子女青少年的社会化过程及其结果。研究表明 ,从总体上看 ,城市独生子女青少年的社会化发展是正常的 ,他们与同龄非独生子女之间在社会化各个方面的相同点远多于相异点。文章还根据研究发现 ,提出了“消磨—趋同”、“变异关键年龄”、“社会交往补偿”
Using data from large scale surveys and children of the same age who were not only children as a reference group, the author compares the teen agers' answers to a questionnaire with those of their parents in order to analyze the socialization process of the first generation of Chinese urban only children in terms of their disposition, life skills, social interactions, social standards, orientation in life, social role and self awareness. The research demonstrated that, on the whole, the socialization of urban only child teen agers is normal, and that they have more points in common with children of the same age who are not only children than differences. Based on the findings from the research, the author proposes the concepts of “wearing down and assimilation,” the “critical age of variation,” and the “compensations of social interaction.”
Social Sciences in China
美国福特基金 1998年重点项目