20世纪 30年代海德格尔思想经历的转折 (转向 )是论题域的重大改变 ,即从“回到形而上学基础”向“克服形而上学”的转向。它从“物之纯真”和“人之诗意栖居”两个方面敞开 ,形成了两大主题 :其一 ,在现代技术的展现中 ,思考“物的纯真”如何被剥夺 ;其二 ,寻求在一种诗意的“言说”与“栖居”中 ,切近并守护“物之纯真”。克服形而上学的问题 ,既是克服形而上学的现实 (作为形而上学之展现的现代技术 ) ,同时也是克服形而上学的思想文化 (哲学 )。“克服形而上学”关涉着更本源的“真” ,是海德格尔在现代工业文明的喧哗中对“思之本源”的探寻。
The turn of Heidegger's thought in 1930s lies in the significant change in the field of thesis, i.e., the change from 'back to the basis of metaphysics' to 'an elimination of metaphysics'. His turn of thought, in terms of two aspects-'the realness of things' and 'the poetic inhabitation of men', forms two theses: first, a careful meditation of how 'the realness of things' will be deprived in the full demonstration of modern technology; second, a search for how to approach and maintain 'the poetic inhabitation of men' in the background of poetic 'speech' and 'inhabitation'. The problem of overcoming metaphysics is not only an elimination of metaphysical reality demonstrated in the form of modern technology, but also an elimination of metaphysical notions and cultures in the form of philosophy. An elimination of metaphysics is of close relation to more fontal realness, which is Heidegger's search for 'basis of thought' in the blatancy of modern industrial civilization.
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