目的 探讨急性白血病细胞中明胶酶A(MMP - 2 )的表达及其临床意义。方法 应用逆转录 -聚合酶链反应 (RT -PCR)检测了 4 6例初治急性白血病患者明胶酶A的表达 ,还在体外进行了白血病细胞株穿膜实验。结果 4 6例白血病患者中 2 6例 (5 6 .5 % )明胶酶A表达阳性 ,其中AML2 0例 (2 0 /34,5 8.8% ) ,ALL 6例 (6 /12 ,5 0 % )。明胶酶A阳性组与阴性组发生髓外浸润的比例分别为 5 0 %和 2 0 % (P <0 .0 5 ) ;外周血幼稚细胞百分率分别为 72 .0 1± 14 .3%和 6 1.5 3± 16 .8% (P <0 .0 5 )。体外穿膜实验证实了明胶酶A对白血病细胞侵袭能力的影响。结论 明胶酶A可能参与白血病细胞从骨髓释出并浸润组织的过程。
Objective To study the expression of gelatinase A (MMP-2) in acute leukemia cells and its clinical implication. Method The bone marrow samples from 46 acute leukemia patients were investigated by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) method. Matrigel invasion assay was studied on U937,HL-60 and K562 cell in vitro. Results The expression of MMP-2 was positive in 26 of 46 patients with AL(56.5%),including 20 of 34 patients with AML(58.8%) and positive in 6 of 12 patients with ALL(50%),respectively. In MMP-2 positive and negative groups of AL,the extramedullary infiltration rate was 50% and 20%( P <0.05),while the percentage of blast cell in peripheral white blood cells was 72.01±14.3 and 61.53±16.8( P <0.05), respectively. The matrigel invasion assay suggested that MMP-2 be involved in migration of leukemia cell through extracellular matrix (Matrigel). Conclusion MMP-2 might be essential to the egress of leukemic cells from bone marrow into peripheral blood, followed by an extramedullary infiltration.
Suzhou University Journal of Medical Science