Embracing the architecture object as a target and taking its indication as a common feature of the architecture-formation, this paper provides a cross subject study on the basic characteristics and formal significance of the architecture-elements. The object of this paper is to analyze the leading and implying effects of the elements' formal features on the architecture-principles. It also aims at finding the influence of configuration orientation on the understanding of the formal meaning. In this paper, the architecture-identifying methods, characteristics and features of the objective elements and so on were analyzed and studied. Five key architecture-parameters were summed up and their links with space functioning and mental connotation were explained in detail. At the same time, according to the psychological reaction of the experienced testers, three formation configuration methods are presented in the perceptive point of view. By analyzing and reasoning, this paper deduced that the proper measure of configuring the architecture substance is to characterize the objective elements in the viewpoint of easy identifying and understanding.
Journal of Chongqing Jianzhu University