气体分馏装置溴化锂制冷机组循环水系统腐蚀相当严重 ,水冷设备经常因腐蚀而造成泄漏。文章对其腐蚀机理进行了分析 ,指出循环水中的溶解氧是造成设备电化学腐蚀的主要原因。采用物理和化学相结合的方法 ,通过安装多功能电子除垢仪和注入锈垢净后 ,经过近一年的现场运行观测 。
The cooling water system of lithium bromide refrigeration train in LPG fractionation unit suffered severe corrosion, which led to frequent corrosion leakages in the cooking water equipment. The analysis of the corrosion mechanisms concluded that the desolved oxygen in the cooling water was the major culprit for the electro-chemical corrosion of the equipment. The application of both physical and chemical measures like installation of multi-function electronic defouling instrument and injection of fouling inhibitor etc have solved the corrosion problem of the cooling water system.
Corrosion & Protection In Petrochemical Industry