对国有商业银行进行股份制改造 ,从而建立起现代商业银行制度 ,是国有商业银行改革的方向之一。股份制改造是解决当前四大国有商业银行因产权界定不清晰、治理结构不完善造成的不良资产积聚、资本金不足等不利局面的现实出路 ;从长远看有利于提高国有商业银行的竞争力。
It is one of the directions of reform of the state-owned commercial banks to become stock corporations and thus, to set up the modern commercial banking system. The problems with the major 4 state-owned commercial banks lie in the unclear property rights definition, the accumulation of unhealthy assets resulting from the imperfect management system, the insufficiency of capitals. Transforming the banks from state-owned into stock corporation is the realistic way out. From the long run, it helps to raise the competitive power of these banks.
Journal of Guangzhou Finance & Trade Management Institute