《护理学导论》是护理学专科、本科教育中新增设的一门基础课程 ,蕴涵了当前护理学先进的基础理论、基础知识。成人学生在基础教育阶段未接受这门课程的学习。对 5 8名成人在校学生的基本情况进行了调研 ,分析了成人学生学习这门课程的难点、薄弱点 ,指出针对课程不同内容采用传统教学方法、多媒体教学法、录像、问题讨论、角色扮演、分析科研论文等多种教学方法 ,以提高教学质量 ,培养实用型护理人才。
Introduction of Nursing Theory' is one of newest curriculums in professional training and bachelor of nursing education .As a teacher, it is a challenge to design an adaptive teaching methods so that the adult students can understand quickly and easily. From 58 students investigations, people can find how difficult to every nurse to study in their spare time. The author suggest to take different methods according to different knowledge ,such as analyzing special academic thesis, discussing some questions and different ideas, using power point model , playing video, acting as patients and so on .These different methods can improve students' memories and enhance their efficiency of study.
Journal of Nursing Administration