绿色中药是国际中药市场竞争日益激烈的形势下提出的新概念 ,也是我国中药出口在遭遇绿色壁垒后 ,为进入国际主流市场而迈出的重要的一步。我国政府相继颁布实施的《中药材种植质量管理规范》等几个质量硬性规定 ,对于加快我国的中药现代化有重要的意义 ,它的实施打破了我国传统的中药材种植模式 ,使这一行业能够向现代化和规范化方向发展 。
Facing strict competition on international Chinese herbs market, Green Chinese herbs culture comes out. Several Chinese herbs administration laws such as Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) established and carried out would break out the traditional Chinese herbs culture pattern and replace it with standard and modern culture pattern, so the Chinese herbs fine quality are guaranteed.
Hunan Guiding Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology