流行的“教育学”文本不可信 ,不可爱。不可信是说“教育学”缺少逻辑的力量 ,不可爱是说“教育学”缺少写作者思想“教育”时显现的个体 ① 生命之光 (思想作为动词 )。本文从揭示“教育学”不可信、不可爱的命运入手 ,将拯救教育学的命运部分地交给与“教育”有着原初的亲缘关系的教师 ,因为教师的“师”不仅仅是“会计师”的“师” ,即不仅仅是专业人员 ,而且教师有可能是“儿童天国的引路人”[1 ] ,也可能是“儿童误入歧途的作俑者”。
Popular pedagogy texts are both untrustworthy and absent of loveliness. The for mer indicates that it is lacking in logical power. The latter means that it does not show the sunshine of individual life of the write r who is thinking about education. This article aims to expose the untrustworthi ness and unloveliness of popular pedagogy and calls upon the emergence of a peda gogy of individual teacher.
Peking University Education Review