一段时期以来 ,人们发现入学率的提高不一定就能够自然保证农村中青少年完成九年义务教育 ,辍学成为了人们普遍关注的问题。针对女童辍学问题 ,我们在河北省某县开展了深入的研究。该研究发现 ,辍学虽然不是女童的特有现象 ,但是女童辍学和女童辍学早则往往处于被忽略状态。女童辍学的原因包括 :厌学、教学质量差、离学校距离远、贫困和学校对女童教育关注程度低等综合因素。解决农村的辍学问题需要从教育本身存在的问题入手。
Research finds that the rise of enrollment may not be able to ensure s tudents to finish their nine years compulsory education. The problem of dropou t has caught researchers' attention for sometimes. To girls dropout, we carrie d out an in-depth research in a county of Hebei province. The research finds th at t hough dropout of school is not gender specific, but girls' dropping-out of scho ol and dropping-out earlier were not given enough attention at school. There a r e many reasons for girls dropping-out. Lack of interest in schooling, lo wer quality of teaching, distance to school, poor teaching and learning conditio n, poverty and lack of attention to girls in schooling all contribute as factor s. The research suggests that to solve the problem of dropout, we need to solve the problems in education first.
Peking University Education Review