
中国小麦品种磨粉品质研究 被引量:32

Characterization of Milling Quality in Chinese Common Wheat
摘要 用 10 0份冬麦品种和 4 1份春麦品种 (系 )研究了我国小麦磨粉品质现状及其与籽粒性状的相关性 ;用荔垦 2号 /豫麦 2号和 85中 33/豫麦 4 9等 2个组合的F3 研究了出粉率的遗传规律。结果表明 ,品种间出粉率差异大 ,冬麦变幅为 6 5 .6 %~ 77.2 % ,春麦为 6 2 .7%~ 75 .9%。冬麦品种以北部冬麦区出粉率最高 ,长江中下游冬麦区出粉率最低 ;面粉白度与之相反 ,以长江中下游麦区最好 ,北部冬麦区面粉白度最差。冬麦品种出粉率与容重和硬度呈极显著正相关 ,r值为 0 .39和 0 .4 9,面粉白度和硬度呈极显著负相关 ,r=- 0 .4 4 ;春麦品种出粉率与籽粒蛋白呈极显著负相关 ,r=- 0 .5 2 ,面粉白度和硬度呈极显著负相关 ,r =- 0 .35 ,面粉灰分和硬度呈极显著正相关 ,r =0 .4 9。出粉率受多基因控制 ,广义遗传力为 4 5 %~ 6 0 %。建议将硬度、出粉率和面粉颜色列入各地的育种目标。 Milling quality is an important character to be considerd in wheat breeding program. A total of 100 winter wheat and 41 spring wheat varieties and advanced lines were used to investigate the milling quality of Chinese common wheat, and F 3 populations from 85Zhong33/Yumai49 Liken2/Yumai2 and were used to determine the inheritance of flour yield (FY). The results indicated that substantial variation was observed in FY, ranged from 65.6%-77.2% in winter wheat and 62.7%-75.9% in spring wheat, respectively. The varieties from North China Plain Region had the highest FY and poorest whiteness, while the varieties from Yangtze River Region had lowest FY, but best whiteness. FY of winter wheat was significantly associated with test weight (TW) and grain hardness, with r value of 0.39 and 0.49, respectively, and flour whiteness was negatively associated with hardness ( r =-0.44). FY of spring wheat was negatively associated with kernel protein content ( r =-0.52), whiteness was negatively associated with hardness ( r =- 0.35 ), and ash content was positively associated with hardness ( r =0.49). FY was controlled by minor genes with broad heritability from 45% to 60%. It is recommended that grain hardness, flour yield and color should be included in the wheat breeding program.
出处 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第6期615-621,共7页 Scientia Agricultura Sinica
基金 国家"973"重点发展研究规划资助项目 ( 2 0 0 2CB1113 0 0 ) 国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 3 993 110和 3 0 0 60 0 43 ) 国家"863"重大专项资助项目 ( 2 0 0 2AA2 0 70 0 3 )
关键词 中国 小麦品种 磨粉品质 籽粒性状 遗传规律 出粉率 面粉颜色 Common wheat Breeding for wheat quality Flour yield Inheritance
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