教师在学校总体工作中的特殊地位和突出作用 ,使教师素质问题的研究具有了历史的必要性和现实的紧迫性。我国目前教师的整体素质不容乐观 ,全面提高尚需时日 ,而提高教师素质 ,不是一蹴而就之事 ,必须从提高他们的专业知识、教育理论、教学水平、思想素质等几方面着手 ,制定具体措施 ,营造良好环境 ,坚持竞争上岗 ,实行优胜劣汰 ,通过培训学习和教研教改等多种途径 。
It is the special place and important role of a teacher in the whole work in a school that make the research on the teacher quality historically necessary and realistically urgent. At present the state of the teacher quality in our country isn't optimistic as a whole to us. Much time is needed to improve the teacher quality comprehensively. It can't be done in a short time. Specific measures must be taken to improve the teachers' professional knowledge, educational theory, the art of teaching, ideological accomplishment and so on. It's also important to construct a good environment. We must insist that one should get his job by meams of competition. the chance should be given to the outstanding and the inferior should be eliminated. The whole standard of the ranks of the teachers should be raised by means of training, teaching research, educational reform and so on.
Journal of Huaihua University