较为详细的分析了教师期望负效应的各种表现、成因及其对策。罗森塔尔的“教师期望效应”实验表明 ,教师期望是一种巨大的教育力量。但是 ,教师期望所产生的效应实际上是有正效应和负效应之分的。
This paper detailed comparatively the manifestations, causes of the negative effect from teachers expectancy and our countermeasures.Rosenthals experiment in 'the effect of teachers expectation' made it clear that teachers' expectancy is a kind of great strength of education. But the effect from teachers' expectation actually contains positive effect and negative effect. Paying a great deal of attention to the negative effect and trying to avoid it is an important question that teachers should not neglect.
Journal of Huaihua University