
应用RT-PCR检测番茄上的CMV和ToMV 被引量:2

Detection of CMV and ToMV on Tomato by RT-PCR
摘要 建立了广东番茄花叶病主要病原CMV和ToMV的RT PCR检测技术.应用该技术对采集于广东番茄主要产区的病样本进行检测,结果表明:10个采样地点中均检测到CMV,仅2个点检测到ToMV;在所采集的49个病样本中,CMV和ToMV所占的比例分别为79 6%和12 2%,说明广东番茄花叶病毒原主要是CMV,其次是ToMV. The RTPCR detection technique of the causal viruses CMV and ToMV of the tomato mosaic disease in Guangdong Province was established. The technique was used to detect the diseased samples collected from main regionsproducing tomato in Guangdong province. The result showed that CMV was detected in all of ten localities of sampling, and ToMV detected in two localities, and that among the fortynine samples CMV and ToMV were 79.6% and 12.2% respectively. It implied that the causal viruses of tomato mosaic disease in Guangdong Province were mainly CMV.
出处 《华南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期36-39,共4页 Journal of South China Agricultural University
基金 广东省自然科学基金(010120) 广东省农业科学院"十五"重点科技项目(2001 基金 16)
关键词 应用 RT-PCR检测 番茄 CMV TOMV 病原 花叶病毒 RT-PCR tomato mosaic disease detection
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