50年前 ,DNA双螺旋结构的建立标志着生命科学一个崭新时代的到来。DNA双螺旋结构模型的建立不仅使生命科学及其相关领域发生了巨大变化 ,而且也深刻地影响到人类的社会生活与思想观念 ,甚至影响到社会文明的前景。今天 ,我们又站在一个历史的转折点上 ,中国科学家应当主动迎接生物技术世纪和知识经济时代的挑战 ,不仅在分子生物学的研究前沿作出自己的贡献 。
years ago, the model of Double Helix of DNA was a milestone event of life science. In the ensuing years, scientists have made a great advance in life science and medicine. These accomplishments represent cornerstones on which our understanding of gene function and human genetic diseases have been built, and have had a major impact on the practice of medical sciences and social culture. At a new turning point in history, Chinese scientists should actively face to the challenge of biotechnological century and the era of knowledge economics, not only contribute to the molecular biology, but also make more scientific achievements for the benefit to the peoples.
Medicine and Philosophy