DNA双螺旋模型的建成是 2 0世纪生物学领域极为重要的发现 ,它为现代分子生物学的发展奠定了基础。DNA结构的发现和后来“中心法则”的提出 ,以及随后发明的重组DNA和分子克隆技术 ,使人类获得了崭新的干预生物进化和优化生物的某些功能的有效手段和途径。而 2 0世纪 90年代以来 ,基因组学和生物信息学无疑已成为当前和今后相当长的时期内较活跃和影响较大的生物科学前沿学科。回顾 2 0世纪生物科学发展的主要路线和过程 ,可以清楚地看到 ,DNA双螺旋模型在其中所处的承上启下的关键位置和所起到的核心作用。因此 ,研究、了解DNA双螺旋模型产生的背景、条件 ,及其对生物学发展产生的积极影响 ,对我们深刻认识这一重大发现的科学价值 ,正确把握现代生命科学发展的规律和方向 。
The construction of the double helix model of DNA is the most important biological discovery in 20th century, and it has laid the foundation for modern molecular biology successfully. Together with the “central dogma', DNA recombinant and molecular cloning techniques, it gave people very powerful means and effective protocols to intervene and optimize some functions of some species.Since 1990,genomics and bioinformatics become more and more active.In retrospect, we can conclude that the double helix model had played a key role in the development of modern biological sciences. Therefore, enquiry and exploit the background, the condition, and its impact of the discovery of the double helix will have positive implication for us to fully understand the meanings and scientific values of DNA double helix.
Medicine and Philosophy