目的研究金莲花提取工艺。方法采用均匀设计实验法,以出膏率和紫外分光光度法测定的荭草甙得率为指标,考察水量(A)、煎煮时间(B)和醇沉浓度(C)3个因素。结果优化的金莲花提取工艺条件为 A_3B_1C_5。结论加水煎煮2次,第一次加水14倍,煎煮90分钟,第二次加水12倍,煎煮60分钟,醇沉浓度为80%可基本提取完全。
Objective To study on extraction process of Trollius Chinensis.Methods The study was carried out through Uniform Design,the content of Orientin determined by UV—spec- trophotometry and the rate of obtaining paste were as guide.3 influencial factors,amount of water used for the extraction (A),time for extraction (B) and density of Ethanol (C)were studied.Re- sults The optimal conditions for the extraction were A_3B_1C_5.Conclusion Extract twice,first with 14 times of water for 90 minutes and then with 12 times of water for 60 minutes,finally add Ethanol to 80 per cent will give the best yield.
Heilongjiang Medicine journal