BACKGROUND &OBJECTIVE:Intraoperatively,the routine method to differentiate malig nant l ung neoplasms from benig n lesions is by the judg ment of naked eye or frozen section.It is not accurate to judg e by nake d eye and will take long time by frozen sect ion.Using a g amma-detecting probe (GDP)to accurately detect the tumors and t he metastases,the operators could decide the resection rang e and the tr eatment plan.This study was prelimi nary clinical practice of tumor imag ing a nd radioimmunog uided surg ery(RGS )using 99m Tc-PPM(peplomycin)as a tumor tracer.METHODS :Thirty-seven patients were administered with inj ection of 99m Tc-PPM.The imag es were taken preoperatively.Reg ion of interest (ROI )method was performed and tumor-to-normal-tissue(T /NT)ratio was calculated on the imag e.Th e radioactivity of the specimens resected from the patient s was detected using GDP at the time of surg ery.T /NT ratio was obtained by c omparing the radioactivity of the tu mor tissue with the normal lung tissue.RESULTS :The uptake ratios (T /NT)of 99m Tc-PPM were different between malig nant and benig n lesion(P<0.01).The ratio(T /NT,x±2s )was reg arded as the threshold for dif ferentiation of malig nant and benig n lesions.The sensitivity,specificity,and accuracy of ident ifying malig nant lesion were 90%,87.5%,an d 89.3%,respectively;GDP could be used to accurately detect the invasi ve rang e of the tumors,with the sensi tivity,specificity,and accuracy of identifying lymph node metastases of 91%,88%,and 90%,respectively.CONCLUSION:99m Tc-PPM is a useful ag ent in differentiating malig nant lung neo plasm from benig n lesions,and as a tu mor tracer can be used in detecting tumor by GDP intraoperatively.The RGS is a simple method that can help the surg e on in the intraoperative assessment of the tumor and the lymph node metastases.
Chinese Journal of Cancer
Lung neoplasms
Radioimmunog uided surg ery(RGS )
Gamma-detecting probe (GDP)