采用新型斑点免疫结合技术,以特异性沙眼衣原体(chlamydia trachomatic,CT)单克隆抗体为基础建立快速定性检测方法,对533例性病门诊患者泌尿生殖道标本进行CT的检测,结果CT检出率为21.2%(113/533),男性CT检出率为18.9%(54/286);女性CT检出率为23.9%(59/247)。提示泌尿生殖道的CT感染在本地区STD高危人群中流行,应引起高度重视。
Using a rapid qualitative immunoassay 533 samples of genitourinary tract from STD clinic have been detected with the dot immunobinding assay(DIBA). The total infection rate of CT was 21.2% , and the infection rate of male and female were 18.9%(54/286) and 23.9% (59/247), our results reveald that the CT infection in genitourinary tract was prevalet in the area and should be taken care of seriously. The dot immunobinding assay was a specific, sensitive, simple and rapid method for the diagnosis of CT infection.
Chinese Journal of Frontier Health and Quarantine