The date of surveillance over the persons entering or leaving the Chinese, territories at the froutier ports by Chinese health and quarantine seruices during 1989-1992 were analysed in this paper to try to find the changing of the patterns of the diseases among these international travellors. The results showed the patterus of quaratitinable diseases had beer changing along with the soial changing and the eliminatiou of some diseases. The changing of the patterus of quarantinable diseases among conatries in 'The International Sanitary Regulations' was also quoted here.A suggestion that the diseases surveillanle by the froutier health and quarantine seruices shall be praitised auording to the changing of patterus of diseases among the entry /Lavee persous at froutier ports was proposed here, this the theoretical and scientific euideaces wauld be qained for formulating quarantine policy and preventive strategy.
Chinese Journal of Frontier Health and Quarantine