The effects of salinity on physiological changes were studied with five sweet potato varieties cultured in solution containing 0. 0% , 0. 4% and 0. 8% NaCl for 12 days. It was observed that plasmalemma permeability (PP), Na+ content and proline accumulation in leaves increased markedly with the increase in NaCl concentration, but the water content, K+ content , K/Na ratio and chlorophyll content decreased. Both the increases of PP and Na+ content and the decreases of chlorophyll, K+ and water content in leaves of high salt-tolerant varieties (HSTV) were much less than those of low salt-tolerant varieties (LSTV) at higher NaCl concentration. It was also found that proline accumulated sharply with the increase of NaCl concentration in the HSTV and slowly in the LSTV. Under NaCl stress condition, a highly significant (P<0. 01) positive correlation between PP and Na+ content in leaves was found. PP as well as Na+ content had significant negative correlations with the water content of leaves, survival percentage of cuttings, K/Na ratio and chlorophyll content of leaves, while the chlorophyll and water contents were significantly correlated with K/Na ratio. Thus the surplus accumulation of Na+ in internal body and the secondary water stress induced by NaCl stress are the main causes of salt injury, and PP may be considered as one of the physiological indexes for salt tolerance of sweet potato.
Jiangsu Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Sweet potato
Salt tolerance
Plasmalemma permeability
Na+ accumula- tion
Water content
Free proline