目的 了解体外循环(CPB)手术对病人血浆中C3、C4的影响。方法 用透射比浊法测定行心脏瓣膜置换术前后病人血浆中C3、C4浓度,并进行比较。结果 术前与术后血浆中C3、C4差异有显著性(P<0.05),血浆中C3、C4降低的谷值在CPB末。结论 CPB导致术后早期大量补体激活,易引起全身性炎症反应综合征(SIRS),减少补体激活程度可降低炎症反应强度。
Objective To study the changes of C3 and C4 in patients with heart valve replacement during cardiopulmonary by-pass(CPB) ,and to evaluate whether CPB could influence its expression. Methods Serum were obtained before CPB and after CPB, the contents of C3 and C4 were detected with nephelometric endpoint detection. Results There were significant difference between prebypass and postbypass in the contents of C3 and C4(P<0. 05) ,their contents reduced to the bottom at the end of CPB. Conclusion CPB might induce amounts of complement activation to bring systemic inflamamatoay response syndrome(SIRS), inhibiting complement activation might reduce the inflammatory response.
Foreign Medical Sciences(section of Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine