按照完全双列杂交的方法 ,选用对穗发芽敏感性不同的 3个红皮和 3个白皮小麦品种组配杂交 ,测定其配合力表明 :小麦的穗发芽性受加性效应和非加性效应的共同影响 ;穗、粒发芽的一般配合力和特殊配合力都达到了极显著水平 ;穗发芽的反交效应显著 ,而粒发芽的反交效应不显著 ;穗发芽的广义遗传力较高 ,而狭义遗传力往往较低 ;杂种一代的穗。
According to the method of complete diallel cross, 3 white and 3 red wheat varieties, being different in ratio of pre-har vest sprouting, were selected to study the combining ability. The result indicated: the suscepti bility of sprouting was affected by additive effect and nonadditive effect; the general combining ability and specific combining ability were significant; the r eciprocals effect of pre-harvest sprouting was significant, but not the sproutin g of grains; the broad-sense heritability of sprouting was high, but the narrow- sense heritability was often low; there were tight connections between the F1 's ratio of sprouting and their parents'.
Journal of Laiyang Agricultural College