供销社经过 2 1年的改革 ,与办成真正农民的合作经济组织还有很大距离。主要原因是在改革目标设计上混淆了长远目标与近期目标的关系。 1 999年以来 ,供销社改革转向以扭亏增盈为重点 ,以“企业化”为核心 ,截止 2 0 0 2年底连续三年扭亏为盈 ,改革与发展已经站在新的起点上。今后要努力构建以企业化的供销社为基础 ,以连锁经营为纽带 ,沟通城乡 ,联系国际 ,覆盖全国的现代流通网络 ,以专业合作社为载体的经营性服务体系和以农产品行业协会为载体的协调性服务体系。
After 21-year reformation, the China supply & marketing cooperatives (CSMC) still has long way to become real farmer's cooperatives. The main reason was mistaking the reform goals of the long run and short run. Since 1999, the core of CSMC reform was corporationization and emphasized on improving the profit and lessening the deficit. To the end of 2002, the profit of CSMC had been continuously increasing. The reform and development of CSMC entered a new era. In the future, CSMC should construct the modern circulation chains network, which based on the corporate CSMC, connected rural and city, covering all over the country, led to oversea. Also it should construct the business service network which mainly consisted of farmer cooperatives, and the public service network which mainly consisted of associations.
Issues in Agricultural Economy