
A Monitoring Study of the 1998 Rainstorm along the Yangtze River of China by Using TIPEX Data 被引量:3

摘要 By using data from the Secondary Tibetan Plateau Science Experiment (TIPEX) in 1998, including enhanced soundings, surface observations, data from captive balloons, remote sensing, and Doppler radar (China and Japan cooperative study of GAME/ Tibet), a monitoring study on the generation and moving track of the cumulus convective systems over the Tibetan Plateau is made, and the relationship between the evolution of cloud systems over the Tibetan Plateau and 1998 flooding in China is studied. The results are as follows. 1) Analyzing the image animation and Hovmoller diagram of satellite TBB data shows that the rainstorms for the Yangtze River in the last ten days of July 1998 can be tracked regionally to the Tibetan Plateau. 2) For the period of cloud clusters passing through the Amdo station (18–19 July), monitoring observations by Doppler radar is made. The monitoring of radar echoes shows that the developing, eastward motion, and strengthening of the echoes can be frequently observed in the middle of the Tibetan Plateau. An integrated analysis and tracking of the generation, disappearance, development, and eastward motion of these convective systems by using multiple instruments is very valuable for diagnosing and predicting the influence of the plateau systems on the downstream weather situation. 3) The integrated analysis of space-time cross sections of the enhanced upper air and surface observations from TIPEX during the intensified observation period shows that the frequent development of convective clouds over the Tibetan Plateau is related with the quasi-stationary convergence of surface winds. The dynamic convergence of surface winds, the vertical shear in the upper air, and transportation of water vapor due to increasing humidity over the Tibetan Plateau played an important role in the developing and strengthening of rainstorms over the Yangtze River in 1998. 4) Meso-sale filtration analysis of the vertical distribution of water vapor over the Tibetan Plateau indicates that alternating changes of high and low water vapor distribution over the Tibetan Plateau reveals clearly that the sub-synoptic scale waves exist, whose lifetime is on the order of the hours. The revelation of the eastward motion of mesoscale waves from the Tibetan Plateau indicates that the plateau systems obviously influenced the rainstorms over the Yangtze River valley in 1998. By using data from the Secondary Tibetan Plateau Science Experiment (TIPEX) in 1998, including enhanced soundings, surface observations, data from captive balloons, remote sensing, and Doppler radar (China and Japan cooperative study of GAME/ Tibet), a monitoring study on the generation and moving track of the cumulus convective systems over the Tibetan Plateau is made, and the relationship between the evolution of cloud systems over the Tibetan Plateau and 1998 flooding in China is studied. The results are as follows. 1) Analyzing the image animation and Hovmoller diagram of satellite TBB data shows that the rainstorms for the Yangtze River in the last ten days of July 1998 can be tracked regionally to the Tibetan Plateau. 2) For the period of cloud clusters passing through the Amdo station (18–19 July), monitoring observations by Doppler radar is made. The monitoring of radar echoes shows that the developing, eastward motion, and strengthening of the echoes can be frequently observed in the middle of the Tibetan Plateau. An integrated analysis and tracking of the generation, disappearance, development, and eastward motion of these convective systems by using multiple instruments is very valuable for diagnosing and predicting the influence of the plateau systems on the downstream weather situation. 3) The integrated analysis of space-time cross sections of the enhanced upper air and surface observations from TIPEX during the intensified observation period shows that the frequent development of convective clouds over the Tibetan Plateau is related with the quasi-stationary convergence of surface winds. The dynamic convergence of surface winds, the vertical shear in the upper air, and transportation of water vapor due to increasing humidity over the Tibetan Plateau played an important role in the developing and strengthening of rainstorms over the Yangtze River in 1998. 4) Meso-sale filtration analysis of the vertical distribution of water vapor over the Tibetan Plateau indicates that alternating changes of high and low water vapor distribution over the Tibetan Plateau reveals clearly that the sub-synoptic scale waves exist, whose lifetime is on the order of the hours. The revelation of the eastward motion of mesoscale waves from the Tibetan Plateau indicates that the plateau systems obviously influenced the rainstorms over the Yangtze River valley in 1998.
出处 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第3期425-436,共12页 大气科学进展(英文版)
基金 the research item of the Second Tibetan Plateau Experiment.
关键词 monitoring study 1998 flooding in China TIPEX observations monitoring study 1998 flooding in China TIPEX observations
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