
社会经济状况对中国不同卵性类型双生子出生率的影响 被引量:2

The effects of socioeconomic status on twin birth rate in China
摘要 选用中国市、镇、乡育龄妇女1989年全年生产的双生子数据,用Weinberg差别法进行双生子卵性分类,分析社会经济状况对中国女性各年龄阶段生产DZ和MZ双生子出生率的影响.结果表明:中国镇妇女在各个年龄阶段生产的DZ双生子出生率普遍高于其他群体,而乡DZ双生子出生率最低,各群体DZ双生子出生率随女性生育年龄变化模式在30~34岁组以前相似,其后有一定差异,特别是高生育年龄阶段乡与市镇之间的差异;虽然普遍认为MZ双生子出生率较少受外界因素影响,但本文发现MZ双生子出生率不仅受女性较高生育年龄(30~34岁组以上)的影响,而且在较高生育年龄阶段还受女性所处的社会经济状况的影响. The data of twins birth among urban, town and rural women in the year 1989 in China were utilized to analyze the effects of socioeconomic status on the birth rates of DZ and MZ twins at different maternal ages, the zygosity of the twins was computed in accord to Weinberg's different methods. The results showed that the hignest birth rate of DZ twins was in town at all maternal ages, and the lowest was in rural at most maternal ages. The changing models of the birth rates of DZ twins with maternal age were similar before the age group of 30~34, but different later among the three population, especially between rural and the other two populations at elder age groups. It was generally considered that the birth rate of MZ twin was rarely affected by environmental factors, but this paper found that the birth rate of MZ twins might be influenced by elder maternal age (above 30~34 year old) and the maternal socioeconomic status at elder age.
出处 《华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期242-246,共5页 Journal of Central China Normal University:Natural Sciences
基金 教育部科学技术研究重点资助项目(01081).
关键词 中国 卵性类型 双生子 出生率 双卵双生 单卵双生 社会经济状况 生育年龄 dizygosity (DZ) monozygosity (MZ) birth rate of twin socioeconomic status maternal age
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