
鲁西尚河韧性剪切带变形特征研究 被引量:1

Deformation Characteristics Study of Shanghe Ductile Shear Belt in West of Shandong Province
摘要 发育于鲁西隆起区尼山凸起内的尚河韧性剪切带,其韧性变形在不同阶段主导变形机制不同:初期的变形机制以晶格错位和显微破裂为主;中期以韧性流动、物质扩散迁移为主;晚期以晶质塑性变形和颗粒边界滑动为主。在剪切带的发育过程中,岩石的物质成分和体积都发生了较大变化。根据构造岩的矿物组合和形变特征判断,该剪切带具右行走滑性质,其剪切位移量为1048m。尚河韧性剪切带变质变形温度较低,属绿片岩相动力变质作用。 Shanghe ductile shear belt developed in Nishan dome of Luxi( west of Shandong province) block uplift area. Major deformation mechanism s are different in different period: latice dislocaiton and micro-fracture are m ajor deformation mechanism in early deformation period; ductile flow and matter spreading and transformation in middle defromation period; crystal plastic defor mation and grain edge gliding in late deformation period. In the developing peri od of ductile shear belt, material component and volume of rocks varied largely. According to material combination and deformation characteristics of tectonic r ocks, this ductile shear belt has the characteristics of right sliding. Displace ment vector of ductile is 1048m which belongs to greenschist facies dynamic meta morphism.
出处 《山东地质》 2003年第2期30-35,共6页 Geology of Shandong
关键词 韧性剪切带 变形特征 鲁西尚河 右行走滑性质 构造特征 变形机制 剪切位移量 晶格错位 显微破裂 Ductile shear belt structure characteristics defo rmation mechanism right sliding displacement vector Shanghe in western Sha ndong
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