个人住房消费信贷是银行等金融机构为满足居民购买住房的需求而提供的信用贷款服务。伴随住房制度改革不断深化而产生的个人住房消费信贷 ,是社会经济发展和银行金融发展的必然选择。分析个人住房消费信贷存在的问题 ,我国要启动个人消费信贷 ,必须改变传统观念的积蓄—购物—积蓄 ,并采取相应策略 ,才能得以实现。
Individual consumption loan is a credit loan service provided by banks and other financial institutions in order to meet the needs of housing of the citizens. Individual consumption loan is a must which results from the reformation of housing system, the economic development of the society and the financial development. Analyzing the existing problems in dividual consumption loan, we need start individual consumption loan, and must change traditional concept, that is savings-go shopping-savings, and adopt corresponding stratagem to realize it.
Commercial Research