搜索引擎已经成为人们网络生活必不可少的工具 ,因此 ,国内外的各种搜索引擎纷纷出现。而 Google搜索引擎以其雄厚的技术为支撑 ,凭借其强大的检索功能和高质量的检索服务 ,逐渐吸引和留住了世界各地的大量网民 ,成为了世界上最著名的搜索引擎之一。本文在介绍 Google基本概况、检索特色及特色功能的基础上 ,介绍了其核心技术及工作机理 。
Search engine has been a necessary tool for people who use Internet now, so all kinds of search engines appear in the world. Based on its advanced technologies, strong search functions and high quality search services, Google has attracted and kept more and more Internet users from all around the world. Google is one of the most famous search engines in the world now. In this paper, the basic situations, system features of Google and special search functions provided by it are introduced. Google's core technologies and mechanisms also discussed. At last, the trends of Google are also forecasted.
New Technology of Library and Information Service