目的总结不良反应发生的基本情况及特点,为临床合理用药提供参考。方法选取医院2014年1月1日-2015年12月31日发生的不良反应报告230例,分析不良反应报告涉及的性别、年龄、给药途径、药品分类、不良反应临床表现等。结果 50岁以上中老年患者发生ADR最高占56.96%,ADR发生率女性高于男性,在所有ADR中以静脉给药最多占81.74%,抗微生物类药物引起的ADR占全部的58.70%,抗微生物类药品中以β-内酰胺类抗生素最多占57.04%,主要药物有哌拉西林他唑巴坦、头孢替安,其次为抗结核药和喹诺酮类,分别占20.74%和18.52%。发生ADR的临床表现以累及皮肤及附件、消化系统占比较大,分别占51.06%、23.35%。结论临床要加强对ADR的重视,合理使用药物,降低ADR的发生,保证患者的用药安全。
Objective To summarize the situations and features of the adverse drug reports( ADR) in our hospital and provide references for the rational clinic use of drugs. Methods Choose 230 ADRs from Jan 1,2014 to Dec 31,2015 and analyze the related age,gender,drug delivery route,drug classification and clinical manifestations of adverse reactions.Results Middle-aged and elderly patients above 50 years had the highest occurrence( 56. 96%),women had more ADR than men,ADR caused by antimicrobial drugs accounts for the most( 58. 70%),ADR caused by vein medication also accounts for the most( 81. 74%). β-lactam antibiotics accounts for the most in antimicrobial drugs( 57. 04%),the representative drugs were piperacillin-tazobactam and cefotiam,which followed by antitubercular drugs( 20. 74%) and quinolone drugs( 18. 52%). Account for the most in clinical manifestations,skin and adnexa( 51. 06%) and digestive system( 23. 55%) had a larger proportion. Conclusion ADR should be taken seriously in clinic and the drugs should be used rationally in order to lower the ADR and ensure the patients' drug safety.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rational Drug Use
Adverse drug reactions
Rational use of drugs