4Tony Morphet, "Reading Coetzee in South Africa," in World Literaure Today78. I (2004): 14.
5Stephen Watson, "Colonialism and the Novels of J. M. Coetzee," in Research in African Literature 17. 3 (1986) : 378.
6Knox-Shaw, “Duskland: a Metaphysics of Violence,” in Commonwealth Novel in English 2. 1 (1983) : 70.
7Clive Barnett, "Construction of Apartheid in the International Reception of the Novels of J. M. Coetzec," in Journal of Southern African Studies 25. 2 (1999) : 287 - 301.
8Rita Bamard, "Coetzee's Country Ways," in Interventions 4. 3:386 -394.
9Rita Barnard, “Dream Topographies: J. M. Coetzee and the South African Pastoral,” in South Atlantic Quarterly 93 : 33 -58.
10Tony Morphet, “Stranger Fictions: Trajectories in the Libend Novel,” in World Literature Today 70. 1 ( 1996 ) : 53 - 59.