

"A Picture of the Life of Common People" in G.Boccaccio’s Writing from Humanist World View
摘要 薄伽丘用匠心来打造《十日谈》这个人声鼎沸的世界,在纷纭反复的市井风情中去感悟世态的炎凉与冷暖,把市井百姓的呼声民意体现得淋漓尽致,开一代之先河,来批驳打倒中世纪的神本主义思想,倡导人本主义,从而展现出这个嘈杂的市井大染缸里的人文主义。论文在奠定了薄伽丘人文主义世界观的历史定位和思想雏形之后,从四个方面去施展了论题的论证:其一、主导时代的商贾文化和宫廷文化的二元形态构成;其二、以命运作为牵引,冒险求富的价值理念导向;其三、以悲剧与喜剧竞相迭唱的人寰主义;其四、高低不同的社会道德尺度、价值理念。文章结尾援引明末冯梦龙的市井文化小说《三言》作为东西壁照的论点,揭示出二者的人文主义思想经过了一番吸收、容纳、异质同化的催化过程,具有借鉴意义。 With great care and craftsmanship Giovanni Boccaccio wrote his novel The Decameron, a true picture of the noisy, confused world, feeling the warmth and coldness, the inconsistency of human relationships, as shown in the way of life of the common people of his time. This work, as a vivid description of people’s calls and cries, or the popular will, opened a new age in denouncing and defeating Theocentricism, or the theologic thought of the Middle Ages, advocating Humanitarianism, and showing humanism that existed in a confused society full of contending ideas.The present thesis, after placing Boccaccio’s humanist world outlook in its historical position and outlining the embryonic form of his ideas, goes on to demonstrate its proposition in the following four aspects: formation of the binary structure of the prevailing merchant culture and the palace culture of the time;a sense of worth led by the idea of 'making big money at any risk', a trend guided by destiny;the prevailing doctrine in man’s world with tragedies and comedies staged one after another in human society;and lastly, the varying social moral standards and sense of worth at different levels. In the concluding part, the thesis cited the way of life of the common people in China in the first half of the 17 th century as presented in the three famous novels by Feng Menglong of the late Ming Dynasty, making a comparison between the Oriental and the Western cultures and demonstrating the catalyzing process through borrowing from each other, accommodating each other and assimilating into each other, and this renders it great significance as a source of reference.
作者 贾晶 Jia Jing(French and Italian Department, Sichuan International Studies University)
出处 《世界文学评论(高教版)》 2018年第2期70-74,共5页 The World Literature Criticism
关键词 人文主义 市井风情 人本主义 商贾文化 冒险求富 humanism apicture of the life of common people Humanitarianism merchant culture to make a pile of money in spite of risk
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