用CDR22与籼粳交中间材料81136(苏粳4号 罗玛∥IR661的F8代)杂交,再与强恢复系明恢78进行复合杂交,育成了恢复系宜恢3551。宜恢3551株叶形态好,恢复力强,配合力高,开花习性好,制种产量高。同冈46A组配的杂交稻组合冈优3551于2001年通过四川省品种审定。
The new restorer line Yihui 3551 was developed by crossing the female parent CDR22/81136 (Sujing 4/Roma∥IR661) to the male parent indica restorer line Minghui 78. It has good plant type, wide restoring spectrum and strong restoring ability, good combining ability, good flowering habit, high yield of seed production. The yield of Gangyou 3551 was the highest (8.63 and 8.75 t/hm2, which were 8.36% and 8.72% higher than that of the check Shanyou 63 in 1999 and 2000, respectively.) in the provincial regional trials in Sichuan. And its yield was also the highest (8.63 t/hm2, 5% higher than Shanyou 63) in the regional trial of South China in 2000. Gangyou 3551 is the first hybrid whose yield was over 8% higher than that of Shanyou 63 in the provincial regional trials in Sichuan for two consecutive years. It was registered and released in Sichuan in 2001.
Hybrid Rice