为了探讨保鲜剂贮藏条件下红地球和巨峰葡萄的贮藏特性 ,在 0℃低温下 ,采用加 CT- 2保鲜剂和不加保鲜剂两种方法贮藏红地球和巨峰葡萄 ,并定期对其生理生化指标进行了测定。结果表明 ,在贮藏过程中 ,红地球和巨峰葡萄果穗、果粒的呼吸为非跃变型 ,而果梗的呼吸为跃变型 ,红地球葡萄的呼吸强度低于巨峰葡萄 ;红地球和巨峰葡萄中还原糖、可滴定酸、维生素 C含量逐渐减少 ,其中可滴定酸和维生素 C含量变化与贮藏时间呈显著的负相关 ;保鲜剂处理能明显抑制葡萄的呼吸 ,延缓还原糖、可滴定酸、维生素 C的降解和损失。红地球葡萄的耐藏性明显好于巨峰葡萄 ,在 0℃低温加保鲜剂条件下 ,巨峰葡萄贮藏至 135 d好果率为 87.8% ,而红地球葡萄贮藏至 15 0 d好果率仍达 92 .7%。
The respiratory intensity and storage quality of post harvest Red Globe and Kyoho grapes after being harvested at 0℃ and 0℃+CT 2 were studied, and some physiological and biochemical indexes were determined regularly. Its objective was to discuss the storage property of Red Globe and Kyoho grapes under the storage condition with freshness keeping agent. The results showed that under the different conditions of storage, the respiratory pattern of whole cluster and berry of Red Globe and Kyoho grapes was non climacteric, and that of stalk was climacteric. The respiratory intensity of Red Globe was lower than that of Kyoho. During the storage, the contents of reducing sugar, titratable acid, and vitamin C decreased gradually, among them, changes of titratable acid and vitamin C contents were negatively correlated with the time of storage significantly. Freshness keeping agent treatment inhibited obviously the respiration of grapes, lowered the loss of reducing sugar, titratable acid and vitamin C. Red Globe grapes had the longer storage life than Kyoho obviously. Under the condition of 0℃+CT 2+polyethylene film, the ratio of sound fruit of Kyoho was 87.8% after 135 days' storage; and that of Red Globe was 92.7% after 150 days' storage.
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
freshness keeping agent
grape varieties
respiratory intensity
storage quality