晋北铝土矿资源丰富 ,已发现 4 4个矿床 (点 ) ,其中上储量平衡表 2 1个矿区 (地质储量近 2亿t,A/S 5.9) ,集中分布于北东向展布的三个成矿带内 ,形成以宁武 -静乐为中心 ,以河曲 -兴县和五台天和 -白家庄为两翼的“川”字型资源格局 ;晋北交通发达 ,煤、水、电资源充裕 ,熔剂灰岩已详查落实近 0 .7亿t(其中工业储量近 0 .2亿t) ,铝厂建设条件已成熟 ;晋北现实铝工业规模应为 :铝矿山 2 0 0万t/a,熔剂灰岩矿山 10 0万t/a ,氧化铝厂 10 0万t/a,电解铝厂 50万t/a;氧化铝生产工艺推荐串联法 ,可分两步建设 :一期以 4 0万t/a烧结法起步 ,二期续建拜耳法扩大生产 ,最终形成 10 0万t/a串联法流程系统 ;矿山开采可实行“以国有机采大矿山为主导 ,以工农联办矿为纽带 ,以市场和铝厂生产计划为导向 ,定点收购民采矿”新模式 ;铝土矿开发应以第Ⅰ、Ⅲ成矿带为重心 ,选择 4个首采矿区和 5个规划矿区 ,共获 0 .6亿t可采储量 ,可供矿
Bauxite resource is rich in northern part of Shanxi Province. Total 44 ore deposits (points) have been found, of which 21 mining areas are listed in reserve balance table with a geological reserve of 200 million t (A/S=5.9) and concentrated in three metallogenic bands developed in north to east direction. These bands are Ningwu-Jinle in the middle, Hequ-Xingxian and Wutaitianhe-Baijiazhuang on two sides. In the northern part of Shanxi Province, the communication is convenient, coal, water and power are abundant, and reserve of flux limestone is defined as 70 million t, of which 20 million t is industrial reserve. All these lay a good foundation to establish aluminum industry. The production scales can be 2 million t/a of bauxite, 1 million t/a of flux limestone, 1 million t/a of alumina and 500,000 t/a of primary aluminum. Series combination process is recommended for the alumina refinery that can be built in two phases: the first phase may be started with sintering process and a capacity of 400,000 t/a; and the second phase can be further expanded to final capacity of 1 million t/a of alumina with Bayer process. The new mining principle is recommended as taking the state-owned large mines with mechanical mining as the main and mines co-run by the state and local farmers as the complementary; and taking the market and production plan of the smelter as the guiding line and purchasing the ore mined by the farmers from the fixed mines. As for bauxite mining, Metallogenic Band I and III should be the center to be development, 4 initial mining areas and 5 planning mining areas are selected with a total minable reserve of 600 million t, which can supply bauxite for 30 years.
Light Metals
bauxite resource, ore industrial property, industry distribution, production process, mine mining, construction plan