
对“高性能混凝土”十年来推广应用的反思 被引量:60

The reflection on popularizing and applying high performance concrete for 10 years in China
摘要  高性能混凝土不是混凝土的一个品种,而是达到工程结构耐久性的质量要求和目标,是满足不同工程要求的性能和具有匀质性的混凝土。高强不一定耐久,高流动性也不是任何工程都需要的,也不是只要有掺合料就能高性能;混凝土的质量不是实验室里配出来的,而是优选配合比的混凝土由生产、设计、施工和管理人员在结构中实现的,开裂了的就不是高性能混凝土,除了特殊(如临时性结构)外,没有什么混凝土结构不需要耐久。针对不同工程的特点和需要,对混凝土结构进行满足具体要求的性能和耐久性的设计,比笼统强调"高性能混凝土"的名词要更科学。 High performance concrete is not a sort of concrete,but is quality requirement and target for engineering structure,that is a concrete with uniformity and performance according with requirement of various project.High strength is not necessarily durable,high fluidity is not necessarily for any construction,and concrete could not always be high performance so long as mineral admixture were used;Quality of concrete is not prepared in laboratory,but will be realized by producers,designers,workers and managers together with optimized concrete mixture in structure.Cracked concrete is not high performance concrete,and no concrete will not be required to be durable,except some of temporary purpose.To design concrete structure to be idiographic properties and durability should be scientific rather than to stress the term of high performance concrete generally and faintly.
作者 廉慧珍
出处 《混凝土》 CAS CSCD 2003年第7期10-13,共4页 Concrete
关键词 高性能混凝土 误区 反思 耐久性 匀质性 high performance concrete misapprehend reflection durability uniformity
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