发回重审和上诉不加刑原则的关系问题很少有人论及。在发回重审的案件中 ,因事实不清楚或者证据不足发回重审应当确立原审基本事实是否清楚、主要证据是否充分的认识标准。发回重审的案件既不等同于二审改判的案件 ,也不等同于单纯的一审案件。发回重审的案件能否加刑深受诉讼价值观的影响 ,我们不能不考虑上诉不加刑原则所蕴涵的诉讼理念。重审时 ,只有在发现案件的基本事实确实发生变化时 ,才可能对被告人判处比原审判决更重的刑罚。
The relation between the remand for new trial and the principle of no appeal resulting in additional punishment is seldom discussed before. The cases of remand for new trial are different from second instance cases for amend a judgment and the first instance. Because the cases of remand for new trial are deeply influenced by the procedural value viewpoints of extended sentence, we have to reconsider the principle of no appeal resulting in additional punishment. In retrial, the defendant may not be punished severely than the original sentence only when the basic facts have really changed.
Law Science (Journal of Northwest Institute University of Politics and Law)