形成权是依一方之意思表示而直接变动法律关系的权利 ,各国民法都对此作了较多的规定。文章指出 ,形成权的概念最早由德国学者泽克尔 (Seckel)提出 ,其理论基础为意思自治 ,并且认为形成权是变动权之一种 ,具有独特的性质和不同的类型 ,其行使在时间。
Right of formation is a kind of right which can directly vary the legal relationship according to the expressed meaning of one side and is largely provided in civil law of every country . The article shows that a Germany scholar , Seckel , is the first man who put forward the conception of right of formation; the theoretical foundation of the right is the autonomy of the parties ; and also , right of formation is a kind of changing right , has the especial character and different type and should be limited in time , way , condition and so on .
China Legal Science