本文就我国当前民事诉讼立法中的若干全局性、前瞻性问题进行了探讨 ,以期推动一种清晰、合理的立法理念的形成。作者认为 ,为了使新时期的民事诉讼法既具有鲜明的时代气息 ,又能够适应一定时期内形势变化的需要 ,首先应当确立程序本位的立法理念。同时 ,为了限制程序自身的恣意 ,就要完善诉讼程序的自我约束、审级监督和再审监督机制 ;从诉讼程序利用者的角度出发 ,还要为当事人的程序选择提供必要的制度空间。此外 ,基于此次民事诉讼立法所处的特定历史背景 ,应当对民事诉讼程序的宪法化。
This article makes a study on several important issues in China's civil procedural legislation to push forward the formation of a clear and rational legislative idea. The author thinks that in order to make China's civil procedural legislation keeping pace with the change of conditions and at the same time embodying a fresh flavor of times, it is most important to establish the priority of procedures and to constrain the arbitrariness of procedures itself, at the same time to provide a systematic space for litigants in selecting procedures. The constitutionalization, internationalization and localization of civil procedures must be given full attention.
China Legal Science