The cyclomercurated ferrocenylimines containing heterocyclic ring were prepared by the condensation of cyclomercuration of acylferrocene with the appropriate heterocyclic amine. This procedure provides an efficient method for the synthesis of cyclomerucurated ferroceny- limines containing heterocyclic ring which are difficultly synthesized by the conventional method. The reaction mechanism is proposed.
The cyclomercurated ferrocenylimines containing heterocyclic ring were prepared by the condensation of cyclomercuration of acylferrocene with the appropriate heterocyclic amine. This procedure provides an efficient method for the synthesis of cyclomerucurated ferroceny- limines containing heterocyclic ring which are difficultly synthesized by the conventional method. The reaction mechanism is proposed.
We are grateful to the National Natural Science Foundation of China(project 20072034)
the Natural Science Foundation of Henan Province for the financial support.