不健康文献对未成年人犯罪的影响大部分表现为间接影响。未成年人接触不健康文献的年龄段集中在 12周岁~ 16周岁 ;他们喜欢接触描写凶杀、暴力、色情等内容的不健康文献 ;所接触的不健康文献既有合法的 ,又有非法的 ;主要通过影院、录像厅等场所接触视听型不健康文献 ;他们接触不健康文献后有强烈的模仿愿望 ;加之管理者对其管理不力 ,致使其走上违法犯罪道路。
The influence of the bad books on juvenile delinquency mainly displays the indirect influence. The juvenile ages range from 12 to 16 years old when they begin to read bad books. they feel like reading the bad books describing murder, violence and sex, and for those books, some are illegal. They begin to touch unhealthy audible documents by going to the cinema and video hall. The strong desire to imitate after touching the bad books and the poor administration of the administrator result in their committing crimes.
Journal of Liaoning Police Academy