目的 探讨放疗结合同步化疗治疗晚期子宫颈癌的疗效。方法 从 1 996年 1月至 1 998年 1月 58例晚期子宫颈癌 (Ⅲb期 )行常规体外照射加腔内后装治疗 ,并同步给予顺铂 30mg静脉滴注 ,连用 5日 ,三周后重复 ,共用两次。并以同时期的 60例单纯放疗的Ⅲb期子宫颈癌进行疗效对比观察。结果 放疗化疗组与单纯放疗组疗效对比 ,其 5年生存率分别为 62 .1 %和 46 .7% ,P <0 .0 5 ,有显著差异。晚期子宫颈癌综合治疗组疗效明显优于单纯组 ,可明显提高晚期子宫颈癌的生存率。综合组在治疗中副作用主要为胃肠反应 ,在应用 5 -羟色胺受体拮抗剂(枢复宁 ,恩丹西酮 )与氟美松联合止吐方案后 ,均能顺利完成治疗计划。结论 放疗与化疗同步治疗晚期子宫颈癌疗效好 。
Purpose to evaluate the effect of combination radiotherapy with chemotherapy in treating the patients with advanced cerviCal cancer.Methods From January 1996 to January 1998,58 patientS With advanced cervical cancor received radiotherapy.During radiotherapy period,chemotherapy with cisplatin(30mg,d1--5)was given every 3 weeks for 2 cycles.Sixty matched patients received radiotherapy alone. Result The 5-year survival rates of combination therapy (radiotherapy p1us Chemotherapy)and radiotherapy alone were 62.1%and 46.7%, respectively.Combination thefapy had better long term efiect tlan radiotherapy alone(p<0.05).The major toxic efiect of combination therapy were gastrointestinal tract reaction,but it can be finished successfully as plan after using 5-HT3 receptor b1ocking dmg (ondailsetron)alld DXM. Conclusion a higher5-year survival rate in patients with advanced cervical cancer is observed With combin ation terapy and to xicity of chemo thera py is tolerable.
Hainan Medical Journal