The fundamental significance of phi losophy is to advance the ideas that c an lead the de-velopment of culture and value for a n ation,which reflects philosophy' s spirit and demands.From Plato to Hegel,the history of idealism is lon g and winding.Plato lived in the age o f belief that was ruled by slave owner,his idea is a simple substance-in -itself and a solemn order pattern,which expressed the ideal purpose of conceptualism;Hegel liv ed in the era of laisser -faive capita lism that was full of enterprising spirit,his idea is a varied subject -for -itself and an open free consciou sness,which expressed an active vitality.The time and the idea are in teractive and explain each other.The spirit of the time casts philosophy ideas and philosophy ideas raise the spirit of the time.
Journal of First Teachers College of Hunan