在案件侦查中 ,刑事犯罪信息工作远远没有发挥出其实际应有的作用。究其原因 ,主要是没有将搜集到的各种犯罪信息做进一步的深加工 ,组织成一个层次分明、种类齐全、相互匹配的信息系统 ,没有以科学合理的方式加以有效利用。本文就刑事犯罪信息的系统构成和运用方式这两个方面加以探讨。
The main reason why the criminal information work hasn't been made the most of its potentials in case investigation is that the collected information hasn't been intensively processed, hasn't been organized to a distinct-level, compete-kind, matching-to-each-other information system, hasn't been effectively applied with a scientific method. The article probes into the construction and application methods of the criminal information system.
Journal of Liaoning Police Academy